Wednesday 21 December 2016

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Dear all,

This X-mas you can start with the compulsory reading for next term Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You can dowload the book and print it here.

Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday 1 December 2016

Cloze texts keys

Feng Shui
  1. take
  2. consulting
  3. doubt
  4. taken
  5. with
  6. bring
  7. come
  8. based
  9. must
  10. to
  11. pay
  12. prevent
  13. problem
  14. believe
  15. way
Text Messages
  1. was
  2. can
  3. than
  4. the
  5. in
  6. every
  7. that
  8. of/in
  9. which
  10. for
  11. their
  12. with
  13. by
  14. but
  15. any

Wednesday 16 November 2016

What is taken into account in the oral exam

  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Coherence
  • Entonation/pronunciation/rhythm
  • Fluency
  • Use of discourse markers: I mean, well, you know, it’s kind of, it’s sort of, it’s like, etc.
  • Use of connectors 
  • Interaction (in talking)
What a great/horrible idea!
I agree/disagree with you.
Don't you agree/ think?
Do you agree?
I think/don’t think so.
I see what you mean.
Oh! I see
Yes, sure.
Yes, you are right.
Yes, that’s right.

Friday 4 November 2016

Listen to five people talking about the job they want to do in the future. What does each person say is important to them? 
A  improving things for people
B  having the opportunity to use some imagination
C  working in a team
D  having a number of things to do
E  not working inside a building
F   being the boss

Speaker 1  c
Speaker 2  c
Speaker 3  c
Speaker 4  c
Speaker 5  c

Thursday 22 September 2016

Our book: 

English File Upper-Intermediate: 

Student's Book Work Book With Key Pack (3rd Edition)