Friday 22 December 2017


Dear students,
I wish you a lovely Christmas holiday.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Listening practise

Click here and here.



Wednesday 13/12
At 19:00
  1. Loeches Escalera, Clara Eugenia
  2. Loriguillo Solís, Juan Manuel
  3. Luzón Hurtado, Froilan
At 19:20
  1. Merino Santillana, María Cristina
  2. Navarro Martín, Socrates Leonardo
  3. Podar , Claudiu Vasile
At 19:50
  1. Rhodes López, Álvaro
  2. Romero Melero, María
  3. Torre Valentín, Felipe
Thursday 14/12
At 18:00 (room 13)
  1. Díaz López, Jesús
  2. Monago Andújar, José Manuel
  3. Martínez Sanz, Jaime

Friday 10 November 2017

Speaking & talking

Speaking: click here for a list of topics.
Talking: it is very important to justify your points of view as well as to listen to what your partner says and react (i.e. agree, disagree, add ideas, offer solutions or suggestions...)

In the speaking and talking test, you often need to think about what to say next. But this does not mean that you cannot demonstrate your command of English while you are thinking. When English native speakers do not know what to say, they are not completely silent. They use conversation fillers – words and phrases to fill the space. Here are some examples

While listening

  • Really?
  • Right
  • Sure
  • How awful!
  • Oh no!
  • You're joking!
  • What a pity!
  • Auxiliary verbs to make short questions (as in "Have you? did you? Is it?...")
  • Non-words (as in "mmm, uh-huh...")

While speaking

  • Well
  • Ok
  • So
  • Let me think...
  • I mean
  • I guess/think
  • You know
  • Like (as in "I'm... like... really sad that you lost your...")
  • What I want to say is…
  • The point I want to make is....
  • Anyway,…
  • Well, what I mean is that …
  • Back to our topic …
  • As I was saying …
  • The basic idea is…
  • kind of... (as in "he's kind of nice...")

Thursday 8 June 2017

How to prepare the oral exam

Prepare vocabulary and ideas on these topics:
  • work
  • anecdotes/stories
  • superstitions
  • health
  • environment
  • risks
  • travel
  • music
  • regrets
  • sleep
  • arguments
Follow this structure:
  • Introduce yourself and the topic: My name is ... and I'm going to talk about ...
  • General comment: I've chosen the topic of .... as it is a very controversial issue at the moment.
  • Stucture your discourse and introduce each point with a a connector: First, to start with, on the one hand, etc.
  • Make use of the grammar and vocabulary seen in class.
  • Conclusion: To sum up (to conclude, etc.) I would like to say that... / I would like to finish saying that ...
This is what is taken into account in the oral exam:

  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Fluency
  • Entonation/pronunciation/rhythm
  • Use of connectors (especially in speaking)
  • Use of discourse markers: I mean, well, you know, it’s kind of, it’s sort of, it’s like, etc.
  • Interaction (in talking)
What a great/horrible idea!
I agree/disagree with you
I think/don’t think so.
I see what you mean.
Oh! I see
Yes, sure.
Yes, you are right.
Yes, that’s right.

Friday 5 May 2017

Exam practice

Download here and here
Password: book4joy

How to write a letter of application

You have decided to apply for the position advertised below. Write approximately 140-170 words in an application letter or email.

Is this for you?
We are looking for responsible, experienced people (individuals or couples) of any age to ‘work’ as house-sitters in different European countries for varying lengths of time. All you need to do is take care of someone’s house, pets, and garden whilst they are away on business or on holiday.
You won’t earn any money but your accommodation is free. The minimum length of stay is one week so you can move from place to place.
Interested? Send an email or letter and CV to Bruce Matthews.

Click here

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Happy International Women's Day

My contribution to this day is a quotation by the writer of The Lord of the Flies and the British campaign video. If you want to share any other videos or photos, please feel free to do so in the space for comments.

British campaing on International Women's Day